Color Farm:我们超有料! 原创: Color FarmColorFarm今天 Color Farm是一家可以为客户提供广泛视效服务和视效解决方案的CG公司,我们专业、优质、高效还超会玩,巨有料。更多详细和高清公司作品资讯请移步公司网站www.color-farm.com了解。 Color Farm is a professional and high quality CGI-company which can provide our customers with a variety of services and offer tailor-made solutions for almost any requirements. We are efficiently and super rich in content. If you want to know more about us please landing on our company's 01 静帧STILLFRAMES 通过为您提供高分辨率高质量的静帧图像来诠释产品的设计理念、凸显品牌形象。快来找我们为您提供量身定制的汽车内容,产品设计和建筑可视化设计的专业解决方案吧~ Color Farm can create high resolution stillframes that capture the design philosophy and represent their brand identity. Come and find us for supplyingprofessional solutions of automotive content, architectural visualisations or product design. 视频ANIMATIONS 02 Color Farm还可以为多种类型的视频广告、产品表现、微电影等提供高质量的视频制作服务,为每个项目量身定制最具灵活性和最优化的工作流程,在为每一个客户实现高质量视频的同时也为大家节省了宝贵的时间和预算。 Color Farm can provide high quality animations for all kinds of needs such as advertisement or product videos. Our optimised workflow offers best flexibility and money for the production of high-end animations or advertisments. 03 视觉特效VFX 同时也为各种镜头内容提供高质量的视觉特效服务。团队的成员们都具有相当的视效专业经验及制作顶级好莱坞电影的经历。选择我们就选择了高效专业和放心,你还在犹豫什么? We can provide high quality content for Visual Effect shots being used in feature movies. Our team members have aquired a fair amount of work experience and participated on top rated Hollywood movies. If you choose us then you choose a efficient and professional team. 网页内容WEB CONTENT 04 Color Farm也能为网站,销售门店或者展会提供产品配置需求内容,让潜在的消费者可以根据自己的需求配置汽车,并以完美的视觉表现即时呈现。真正为消费者实现所想即所见,所见即所得的购买体验。 Color Farm is specialized in providing content for web applications and applications such as product configurators. This way customers can individually configure their product according to their needs and immediately receive a visually attractive feedback. 总之Color Farm就是一家超有料又能想你所想,让你所想即能所得的CG视效公司,如果喜欢我们,就让我们知道,如果喜欢我们,就大胆联系我们,我们是你一定不能错过的一家CG公司,风里雨里我们都在这里等你,期待与你们以后的无限可能~ In a word,Color Farm is a CGI-company which rich in content and can thinking of you.Let us know and contact us directly if you are fond of us. No matter any situations we are here for you, we are looking forward to working with you and creating more excellent works together. 办公室一览 地址:上海市长宁区平武路38号仁达商务楼5楼506室 电话:021-52799358 邮箱 长按识别二维码关注我们 微信扫一扫 关注该公众号